Household products

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Conventional Testing

2023-03-21 12:37
categoryTest itemsToxic and harmful substancesTotal lead, total cadmium, migratable heavy metals, phthalates, azo dyes, formaldehyde, nickel...


Test items

Toxic and harmful substances

Total lead, total cadmium, migratable heavy metals, phthalates, azo dyes, formaldehyde, nickel release

Physical properties

Sharp points, small parts, tension, torque, drop, flammability, etc.

Environmental weathering

Salt fog, high temperature, low temperature, constant temperature and humidity, hot and cold cycles, hot and cold shock, UV aging, xenon aging

Mechanical reliability

Functional test, load test, endurance test, etc.

Packing and shipping

ISTA, environmental pretreatment, compression, vibration, drop, etc.

Label identification

Product name, model, product standard, origin inspection, etc.


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