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UL certification

2023-03-30 14:44
1、 Introduction to ULUL is short for Underwriter Laboratories Inc. UL safety testing institute is the most authoritative organization in the...

1、 Introduction to UL

UL is short for Underwriter Laboratories Inc. UL safety testing institute is the most authoritative organization in the United States, and also the largest non-governmental organization engaged in safety testing and appraisal in the world. It is an independent, for-profit, professional institution that does experiments for public safety. It adopts scientific testing method to study and determine various kinds of materials

Whether materials, devices, products, equipment and buildings are harmful to life and property and the degree of harm; determine, compile and issue the corresponding standards and materials that help to reduce and prevent the loss of life and property, and carry out the actual investigation business at the same time.

UL certification is a non compulsory certification in the United States, mainly for the testing and certification of product safety performance, and its certification scope does not include the EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) characteristics of products.

In a word, it is mainly engaged in product safety certification and operation of safety certification business, and its ultimate goal is to obtain goods with a considerable safety level for the market and make contributions to the guarantee of personal health and property safety. As an effective means to eliminate technical barriers to international trade, UL also plays a positive role in promoting the development of international trade.

2、 Three modes of UL certification

1. Listing

It is a formal product certification, and the certified products are published in UL product catalog.

2. Recognition

It is mainly used for parts or non finished products. Sometimes you don't even need to test the product to get approval. Special attention should be paid to the fact that UL does not fully recognize the parts approved by UL, such as some UL certified switches and fuses.

3. Classification

Most of them are building materials or industrial instruments.

3、 UL certification process

·Applicant submits company and product information

·Applicant to submit application form and sample

·Product testing

·First factory inspection

·Applicant is authorized to use UL Mark

4、 Product information to be provided by manufacturer during UL certification

Product name, product model, product use, parts list, performance and specifications, structure diagram, circuit diagram, instructions, etc

5、 Difference between UL test report and UL certification

UL certification is a voluntary certification, need to test products and audit the factory, once a quarter audit, high cost, long time, and audit factory is very strict.

UL test report is based on the product selection of the corresponding UL standard test, after passing, issued a qualified test report.

6、 The significance of UL certification mark to enterprises

1. The whole U.S. market attaches great importance to product safety; when consumers and buyers choose products, they will choose products with UL certification marks.

2. UL has a history of more than 100 years. The image of safety is deeply rooted in consumers and the government. If you do not sell products directly to consumers, middlemen will also require products to have UL certification marks to make them sell well.

3. American consumers and buyers have more confidence in the products of enterprises.

4. More than 40000 federal, state, county and municipal governments in the United States recognize UL certification marks.

7、 UL certification scope

Electronic, electrical, mechanical or electromechanical products.

Any electronic, electrical, mechanical or electromechanical product with UL Mark indicates that the product has met the low requirements of the generally recognized product safety standards of the United States and Canada. It is tested to meet the relevant product safety standards, and also represents that the manufacturer agrees to receive strict regular inspection to ensure the consistency of product quality. It can be sold to the United States and Canada The market of the two countries.

8、 UL certification cycle

UL certification cycle is usually 6-8 weeks.

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